A whole new way to experience Chinmon!
Published on December 8, 2004 By Chinmon In WinCustomize Talk
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to start a post to say "great job" to the people who worked hard to get this site up and running. Yesterday I awoke to a new site, it was slower than I had expected it to be, I had problems uploading stuff for Object Dock, as well as starting my own site (I had user level issues). As of today all those problems seem to be fixed. With all that was going on yesterday (which I'm sure must have been a very hectic day) they still had time to give support to their customers and loyal fans . I would also like to mention how great their support was on the chat server in Stardock Central, and via e-mail, they were polite to the point and really helpful and prompt. Overall I am just very very impressed and pleased with the people working hard at stardock and wincustomize and I think they deserve a GREAT JOB!!! post.

So I started this post hoping to generate a large Thanks! from us to them.

Thanks a lot from Chinmon!

on Dec 10, 2004

I don't think most people realize just how much time has been spent on getting this done. Brad, Pat, JR, and George have been working horrific hours recently trying to get this site going. There is so much involved just in getting it up and running.

Kind words are appreciated - I can assure you of that.
on Dec 10, 2004
i agree .. many of us have forgotten that it takes a lot of time and hard work to get a new site up and running. bravo WC staff ,good job.the site looks good ....

yes many of us have been apprehensive about the change, (it stems from mans inherant fear of change)..but we really need to give this new site a chance. the WC staff here have worked very hard on it and in time they will have it tuned up and tweaked to perfection..

***takes off his hat and settles back in his chair** (this new place dont look like the old home,but i think after hanging a few windowblinds and some new wallpapers i think it will start to feel like home)